Water Data Management
Lower colorado regional office (2015-2021)
Precision won a contract with the Bureau of Reclamation to develop, maintain, and provide on-call support for offices that use the Hydrological Database for their water data. Under this contract Precision has supported the Lower Colorado Regional Office and its HDB installation since 2015.
upper colorado regional office (2015-2021)
Precision won a contract with the Bureau of Reclamation to develop, maintain, and provide on-call support for offices that use the Hydrological Database for their water data. Under this contract Precision has supported the Upper Colorado Regional Office and its HDB installation since 2015.
Flaming Gorge Bypass Release 2005 - photo courtesy of Rick Clayton USBR
eastern colorado area office (2015-2021)
Precision won a contract with the Bureau of Reclamation to develop, maintain, and provide on-call support for offices that use the Hydrological Database for their water data. Under this contract Precision has supported the Eastern Colorado Area Office and its HDB installation since 2015.
Lahontan basin area office (2017-2021)
Precision won a contract with the Bureau of Reclamation to develop, maintain, and provide on-call support for offices that use the Hydrological Database for their water data. Under this contract Precision developed a new instance of HDB for the Lahontan Basin Area Office. This database is housed in the Upper Colorado Regional Office.
Lahontan Dam 2017 - Photo courtesy of Ernie Schank TCID Board President
albuquerque area office (2015-2021)
Precision won a contract with the Bureau of Reclamation to develop, maintain, and provide on-call support for offices that use the Hydrological Database for their water data. Under this contract Precision has supported the Albuquerque Area Office and its HDB installation since 2015.
Klamath basin area office (2020-Ongoing)
Precision won a contract with the Bureau of Reclamation to develop, maintain, and provide on-call support for offices that use the Hydrological Database for their water data. Under this contract Precision developed a new instance of HDB for the Klamath Basin Area Office. This database is housed in the Upper Colorado Regional Office.