Basin Operations/ Administration
Colorado River Basin Planning and Decision Support (2020-Ongoing)
Precision is supporting the Central Utah Water Conservancy District (Central) and the Colorado River Authority of Utah (CRAU) in planning and decision support on current and future Colorado River Basin policy decisions impacting the state of Utah.
Precision utilizes the Ensemble Stream Flow (ESP) forecasts that are produced by the California Nevada River Forecast Center (CNRFC) to propagate uncertainty through the RiverWare® Operations and Accounting model and quantify the uncertainty in reservoir operations which facilitates risk based decision making…
Starvation Reservoir Operations Modeling System (2020-ongoing)
Precision partners with CUWCD to operate the RiverWare® accounting model of Starvation Reservoir to facilitate transparent and efficient management of storage in the reservoir...
Arkansas Basin RiverWare® (ABRW) Operations Modeling System (2020-ongoing)
In 2020, Precision began adapting and enhancing the Arkansas Basin RiverWare® model to allow it to be used to support Reclamation’s short-term operations and forecasting in the basin…
Colorado River Mid-Term “Probabilistic” Operations Model (MTOM, 2014-2018)
Precision worked with the Upper Colorado Region and the Lower Colorado Region of the United States Bureau of Reclamation to develop a mid-term probabilistic operations modeling system (MTOM) in RiverWare® for the entire Colorado River Basin.