Planning Studies
Precision is working alongside Stantec, Inc on behalf of the United States Bureau of Reclamation Lahontan Basin Area Office (LBAO) to support the Lake Tahoe Dam Replacement Feasibility Study. The purpose of this study is to identify how to best address known issues of concrete deterioration in the Lake Tahoe Dam. The study includes developing and analyzing alternatives, determining the benefit categories, determining the project beneficiaries and whether they have changed since the dam was authorized, and developing and documenting feasibility-level designs and cost estimates. Precision's primary role in this project will be to simulate the study alternatives in the Truckee River Operating Agreement Planning Model to facilitate alternative analysis and determine project beneficiaries.
Precision won a competitive bid to be the prime contractor in a three-year study on behalf of the United States Bureau of Reclamation Lahontan Basin Area Office (LBAO) to develop an updated method for calculating the losses that occur through the 31-mile long Truckee Canal in Western Nevada. The losses through this canal are a significant component to the Operating Criteria and Procedures (OCAP) for limiting diversions through the Truckee Canal to the Newlands Project, and known inaccuracies exist in the current methodology for calculating these losses.
Truckee Basin Water Management Options Pilot, WMOP (2020-2024)
As a part of the WaterSMART Basin Study Program, PWRE is working on the Truckee Basin Water Management Options Pilot Study to develop flexible reservoir flood control operational criteria without increasing downstream flood risk…
Evaluating RiverWare’s® Ability To Simulate Colorado’s Water Right Systems (2019-2020)
In 2019-2020 Precision conducted a Colorado Water Conservation Board grant-funded study evaluating RiverWare’s simulation of water rights and comparing it to that of the CDSS StateMod surface water system modeling platform
FEMA Carson River 100 yr Flood Flow Study (2019)
Precision contracted with the Carson Water Subconservancy District to develop hydrology for a remapping effort of the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Mapping of the Carson River below Lahontan Dam.
Tahoe-Reno industial cEnter (2018-2022)
Precision modeled water rights to analyze options for suppling waste water treatment plant effluent to the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center, thus allowing industry to come to the Reno while improving water quality in the river.
TMWA Annual storage Objective Determination (2016-2017)
Precision was hired by the Truckee Meadows Water Authority (TMWA) to develop guidelines to determine the drought storage reserves required to meet TMWA’s demands. The study developed methods to determine an end of year TMWA system storage target…
Pueblo Reservoir Excess Capacity Storage Account NEPA Environmental Assessment (EA) Analysis
Precision used the Arkansas Basin RiverWare® model to evaluate the hydrologic impacts of Reclamation's Pueblo Reservoir Temporary Excess Capacity (EC) Storage Account program…
City of fernley Troa Operations Study (2016-2017)
Precision was hired by Taggart & Taggart, Ltd. to perform a yield study for the City of Fernley, NV’s surface water rights in order to determine the annual surface water demand volume which could be served reliably through credit storage.
Newlands Project planning Study (2011-2012)
Precision partnered with MWH Global to conduct the Newlands Project Planning Study. This project was commissioned by the Mid-Pacific region of the Bureau of Reclamation. The purpose of the study was to formulate, develop, and evaluate a range of alternatives….
RIO GRANDE EIS (2014-2015)
Precision has teamed with Environmental Management and Planning Solutions, Inc to develop an Environmental Impact Statement on the Rio Grande Operating Agreement…
Precision used the Truckee Carson TROA Planning Model to support a study conducted by the Dam Safety division of the Mid-Pacific Regional Office in Sacramento.
City of Fernley Groundwater Study (2012)
Precision was hired by the City of Fernley, NV to collaborate with the Desert Research Institute and Stanka Consultants to model the city's groundwater resource…